SSI Marine Ecology / Underwater Naturalist


The SSI Marine Ecology / Underwater Naturalist Program, This program provides a general understanding of the complex and exciting science of marine ecology, which is the study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment, the flow of energy through communities, and the link between ocean ecosystems.

You will earn the SSI Marine Ecology Specialty certification after completing this program.

The oceans are a vast, dynamic and integral part of our world. Surprisingly, it has only been in this last century that we have begun to learn about the importance of our oceans. And, even with our modern technology and engineering capabilities, we have only explored roughly 5% of the world’s oceans. Given the enormity and complexity of the oceans, it takes many experts across many different fields to build our web of knowledge.

Marine ecology is a broad and exciting field that captures our attention and curiosity. This course provides a general understanding of all subject matter within this field. It is the study of how organisms interact with each other and the environment, the flow of energy through communities, and the link between ocean ecosystems. It requires a diverse understanding of subjects from across science disciplines, including engineering and technology. Dive into this course and gain an overview of these subjects and topics and discover what your role is in the changing ecology of marine ecosystems.

Kelps thrive in areas with abundant nutrients and are very productive along coastlines where upwelling occurs. Their depth is limited by the penetration of light. Kelps attach to the rocky substrate with strong holdfasts and grow upright in the water with the help of gas-filled floats called pneumatocysts. Once it reaches the surface it continues to grow along the surface forming a canopy. Giant kelp found along the coast of California can grow up to .6 meters per day when conditions are favourable!

Program Details:

  • Minimum Age: 10
  • Certification Prerequisites: Open Water Diver if in-water training is included
  • Academic Sessions: 1
  • Pool/Confined Water Sessions: Optional
  • Open Water Dives: Optional
  • Maximum Training Depth: Optional
  • Suggested Duration: 6 – 10 hours

Each course must be completed within 6 months of the start date. After this period it must be paid and started all over again.



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